
How does Diabetes affect how I respond to a cold or flu?

How does Diabetes affect how I respond to a cold or flu?

Being sick by itself can raise your blood glucose. Moreover, illness can prevent you from eating properly, which further affects blood glucose.

In addition, diabetes can make the immune system more vulnerable to severe cases of flu. People with diabetes who come down with flu may become very sick and may even have to go to a hospital. You can help keep yourself from getting flu by getting a flu shot every year. Everyone with diabetes, even pregnant women, should get a yearly flu shot.

What should I do when I am sick?

Be sure to continue taking your anti-diabetic medications or insulin. Don’t stop taking the medications even if you can’t eat.

Your health care provider may even advise you to inject more insulin during sickness.

Test your blood glucose every four hours, and keep track of the results.

Drink extra (calorie-free) liquids, and try to eat as you normally would. If you can’t, try to have soft foods and liquids containing the equivalent amount of carbohydrates that you usually consume.

Weigh yourself every day. Losing weight without engaging on a weight loss programme is a sign of high blood glucose.

Check your temperature every morning and evening. A fever may be a sign of infection.

Call your health care provider or go to an emergency room if any of the following happens to you:

* You feel too sick to eat normally and are unable to consume any food for more than 6 hours.
* You're having severe diarrhea.
* Excess weight loss within a short period of time.
* Your temperature is over 38 degrees Celsius.
* Your blood glucose is lower than 4.0mmol/L or remains over 15mmol/L.
* You have moderate or large amounts of ketones in your urine.
* You're having trouble breathing.
* You feel sleepy or can't think clearly.

Why is it important for Diabetics to be physically active?

Physical activity can help you control your blood glucose, weight, and blood pressure, as well as raise your “good” cholesterol and lower your “bad” cholesterol. It can also help prevent heart and blood flow problems, reducing your risk of heart disease and nerve damage, which are often problems for people with diabetes.

How much and how often should Diabetics exercise?

Experts recommend moderate intensity physical activity for 30 minutes for at least 3 times a week. Some examples of moderate intensity physical activities are walking briskly, mowing the lawn, dancing, swimming, or bicycling.

If you are not accustomed to physical activity, you may want to start with a little exercise, and work your way up. As you become stronger, you can add a few extra minutes to your physical activity. Do some physical activities every day. It’s better to walk 10 or 20 minutes each day than one hour once a week.

Talk to your health care provider about a safe exercise plan. He or she may check your heart and your feet to be sure you have no special problems. If you have high blood pressure, eye, or foot problems, you may need to avoid some kinds of exercise.

What are some good types of physical activities for Diabetics?

Walking vigorously, hiking, climbing stairs, swimming, aerobics, dancing, bicycling, tennis, basketball, volleyball, or other sports are just some examples of physical activities that will work your large muscles, increase your heart rate, and make you breathe harder – important goals for fitness.

In addition, strength training exercises with hand weights, elastic bands, or weight machines can help you build muscle. Stretching helps to make you flexible and prevent soreness after other types of exercise.

Do physical activities you really like. The more fun you have, the more likely you will do it each day. It can be helpful to exercise with a family member or friend.

Are there any safety considerations for Diabetics when they exercise?

Exercise is very important for diabetics to stay healthy, but there are a few things to watch out for.

You should avoid some kinds of physical activities if you have certain diabetic complications. Exercise involving heavy weights may be bad for people with blood pressure, blood vessel, or eye problems. Diabetes-related nerve damage can make it hard to tell if you’ve injured your feet during exercise, which can lead to more serious problems. If you do have diabetic complications, your health care provider can tell you which kinds of physical activities would be best for you. Fortunately, there are many different ways to get exercise.

Physical activity can lower your blood glucose too much, causing hypoglycemia (low blood glucose), especially in people who take insulin or certain oral medications. Hypoglycemia can happen at the time you’re exercising, just afterward, or even up to a day later. You can get shaky, weak, confused, irritable, anxious, hungry, tired, or sweaty. You can get a headache, or even lose consciousness.

To help prevent hypoglycemia during physical activity, check your blood glucose before you exercise. If it's below 5.6mmol/L, have a small snack. In addition, bring food or glucose tablets with you when you exercise just in case. It is not good for people with diabetes to skip meals at all, but especially not prior to exercise.

After you exercise, check to see how it has affected your blood glucose level. If you take insulin, ask your health care provider if there is a preferable time of day for you to exercise, or whether you should change your dosage before physical activity, before beginning an exercise regimen.

When you exercise, wear cotton socks and athletic shoes that fit well and are comfortable. After you exercise, check your feet for sores, blisters, irritation, cuts, or other injuries.

Drink plenty of fluids during physical activity, since your blood glucose can be affected by dehydration.


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