
Young Versus Healthy

What do you think abaout recently desiases that accoured among teenagers and young people??

According to the situation right now, people life are not safe more!, why? because most of our activity and our items consumed everyday contribute to the diseases.

for the example, smoking..even you are not the smoker, you might be able to get the effect because the environment among you is not health.

other than that, the platic container, or plastic holder or anything that botol or product from plastic used to store our foods actually will contribute to the disease. example, when we eaten a foods that packed in plastic botols, the sintetic of botol will plus with the foods then insert into our body after we eat that foods.

the problem occured when there is too much inorganic or unextract things in our blood that contributed to the kidney problems and also blood pressure.

so, think and eat!